Thursday, July 7, 2011

A Hard Blow

I have felt for a long time that there had to be something bigger going on with my son. I just knew that it wasn't just random coincidences. After fighting for what I feel, I got my answer today.

My son is Autistic.

I took Cam to the Genetocist today. When we got there he had a full evaluation with an occupational therapist to test his cognitive, fine, and gross motor skills. That went well. He tested above average in cognitive ability, slightly above average in fine motor, but below average in gross motor. She and I discussed ways to help him in those areas then went back to our room to wait for Dr. Escobar.

The doctor came in and asked me why I was here. I voiced my concerns and how I've been brushed aside when I voiced my concerns to others (excluding our amazing ped). He commented that moms know when there is something going on. He agreed that more docs need to listen to what we are saying. He then did a physical exam and told me what he was seeing.

Aside from the obvious developmental issues, he noticed Hypotonia, loose joints, short fingers, and a larger head in relation to his face size. All physical markers of autism.

He is testing him for a few more genetic disorders, but said he felt comfortable telling me he has autism. I was relieved and terrified at the same time. I'm sad for the dreams I had for him, but happy that we can now move forward and know how better to assist him.

We have a long road ahead of us.

To my husband if you are reading this,
I know you don't want everyone to know, but this is how I cope. I hope that you will be patient with me as I find my way to being a better mother and advocate to our Miracle Babies.

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