Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Update on Cameron

His genetic panel came back and everything was normal. Thank you Lord!! So now his diagnosis is just Autism. We have to wait and see what the extent will be. Right now he has been going downhill at a somewhat steady pace. He gets worked up about the smallest things. He also will not let Matt even touch him most days. I feel bad. I know Matt just wants to be his daddy and play with him and cuddle. I can see the hurt when Cam says no and runs to me screaming. Hopefully we can work on it.

Cam also had his Tonsils taken out Aug. 15th. This is Cam's 4th surgery, and 13th time going under anesthesia. He did well the first 2 days. The 3rd day was a disaster. Cam was in soooo much pain. This boy HATES medicine but started asking for it when it got close to time. We ended up in the ER at Payton Manning Children's Hospital twice in 3 days. Once for dehydration and once for bleeding and infection of his G-tube site. It's sad when your son is excited to get to the room because he knows exactly what movies they have.

The last 4 days Cameron has been complaining of chest pains. Mostly when he sleeps. Ped has no idea. His lungs were clear. His O2 level was only 94 when we got there but went back up to a solid 98 before we left. She sent us to his ENT today. Dr. Stephens decided that the best thing to do would be to do a Sleep Study at St V's in the next week or so. Hopefully we will find something out. That is if Cam can stand to keep the sensors on that long. I've had 2 and hated it. I have no idea what he will think.

We have also added a physical therapist to our list. Our updated list includes:
  • Physical Therapist
  • Occupational Therapist
  • Speech Therapist
  • Developmental Therapist
  • Nutritionist
  • Geneticist
  • Gastroenterologist
  • Neurologist
  • Allergist
  • ENT

I am also looking into signing him up for Hippotherapy. I hope he will be open to it.

Well that's where we are. It's been exhausting!!!

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