Friday, May 9, 2014

Beating the Odds

Let’s take a trip back to 2008. Cameron was born November 26, 2008 through an emergency C-section after 26 hours of labor. He was 7lbs 14oz of beautiful. My pregnancy and his birth should have clued me in to the fact that he was going to be a tricky one. During his first year, we had many, many issues. He projectile vomited every day, all day. I’m not talking little bit here and there, I’m talking poltergeist, pea soup, spinning head puke all day. He didn’t grow or gain weight. He was finally diagnosed with moderate dysphagia and Eosinophilic Esophagitis. He was then put on a very expensive elemental formula. Things began to get a little better. Then he dropped off the charts. Two weeks before his second birthday, we had to place a gtube to get him back up to weight. It worked. Around this time he was also diagnosed autistic. He had been nonverbal until he was 3.5. We had to teach him sign language just to communicate. We had in home therapies; 4 a week. Then we also did outside therapy. He attended developmental preschool for 2.5 years. He has undergone 20 endoscopies, 7 surgeries, and numerous elimination diets where all he could eat is sugar. He has sensory processing disorder and has lost many foods.

That brings me to today. Last week we had Cam’s case conference for kindergarten. He is no longer eligible for an IEP. Think about that for a minute. My former nonverbal, autistic, falling off the charts boy, has beat the odds and will attend a normal kindergarten class. They all were amazed at his progress. He has tested out of speech and occupational therapy. The kicker…. They say he will be going into kindergarten ahead of 90% of other kindergarteners. HE WILL BE ADVANCED!!!! I am so elated!! I just can’t believe it. We did it. All my research, fighting, and patience has finally paid off.

The things my little man can do astonish me every day. He can add and subtract, he is eager to learn to read. He can write his whole name with a little cuing on spelling. He knows nearly every dinosaur known to man. When I say knows, I mean specific genus. You can’t say pterodactyl. It’s a pteradon. He knows their names, where they live, what they eat etc. He is also one of the most compassionate boys I know. When he sees someone who is hurt physically or emotionally, it pulls at his heart. I will never forget the first time he cried for someone. It was for Pluto. We were watching an episode of Mickey Mouse where Pluto was being left out and Cameron just balled. He was sad that Pluto was sad. He just did this this week too to a scene in Frozen. He always wants to include and be included. He has such a huge heart.  I couldn’t imagine a world without him in it. He is destined for great things. As of now, he wants to use his gifts to be an engineer. I can’t wait.