Saturday, June 30, 2012

Top 5 Baby Items You Will Never Use And Why

Changing table
    Yea it's a nice thought. everything is organized on the table and in reach. are you really going to go back to the nursery every time your baby has a poopy diaper?? I think not. We used ours for the first week then it was just more convenient to change the baby wherever i was. It saves time and energy, and trust me with a newborn you have little of either.

Wipes Warmer
    Really? I'm fairly certain that the baby is more concerned about you promptly removing the poo than with how warm the cloth is. I've rarely ever seen a baby scream from a cold wipe. wad it in your fist for a few seconds and it will do the same thing.

Pacifier wipes
    Baby wipes work just fine. With my first i was anal about keeping them clean. With my second if it fell on the floor i popped it in my mouth or wiped it with a diaper wipe. (within reason) She was rarely ever sick. She actually has an amazing immune system.

Name Brand Diapers
    This is such a pet peeve with me. If you have tons of money and want to spend all that money on name brands by all means go right ahead. For those of us more frugal people, Store brands (most) are amazing. Walmart, Target, and Meijer all have amazing diapers. I've tried the name brands and all of them except luvz leaked. I hated them. The three above have been the best i've found. A pack of walmart diapers are under $6, $13 for a box. Name brands are usually $9.97 a pack and close to $20 a box. Do the math. Your baby doesn't care what brand their diapers are. (as long as no allergies are present) I will say I do buy name brand wipes. I've found Huggies to be the best. I hate the "clothlike" ones. Your fingers go right through them.

Johnson and Johnson products.
    Do your research. They just had a recal not too long ago because there was a chemical in them linked to causing cancer. The  reason those products are tear free is that there is a chemical that numbs your baby's eyes so they can't feel the burn. I've recently switched to Burts Bees baby shampoo and wash. it's $8 a bottle but definantly worth it.