Wednesday, December 7, 2011


We are in our new home. Sorry for not posting pictures. I'll get them up ASAP. We are loving it here. There is room for the kids to run and play and I don't have to trip over them.

So whats new with us?

Cameron started preschool!!!! He is in a developmental class at Wayne Township Preschool. His teacher is the sister of his ST through first steps so it's kinda cool that he's staying "in the family". I know Kensey is looking in on him. He loves it there. Loves getting up and riding the bus. Oh did I mention he rides the bus???? That was his request not mine. He gets so excited when the bus pulls up in front of the house. Tonight he has a Christmas festival at school. Hopefully Matt will get off in time to go with us.

Another note about Cam. He had to have an upper and lower scope yesterday. It didn't look to promising. He had inflammation in his throat, duodenum, and rectum. The throat means the EE could be back, but the rectum could mean that he now has Eosinophilic Colitis as well. Hopefully that's not the case. We will find out in about 2 weeks. The worst part is if it is back we have to go on an elimination diet again. No food for Cameron. He was just starting to eat really well. Guess it's back to popsicles and DumDum pops. We shall see.

Not a whole lot going on with Sadie. She is talkin up a storm. She is very opinionated. I can't wait to see how her personality progresses over the next 2 months before her birthday.

We can't wait for Christmas. The kids are getting so excited. Cameron said he wants Santa to bring him "red presents". I love that kid. Sadie just agrees.

Merry Christmas everyone.